-qualifying exam to know in which of the 4 levels you start the program.
-2 months of access to platform to develop contents, activities and exercises of the level.
-2 months of access to live classes in work groups of a maximum of 12 students, with specialized teachers, at free-choice hours and according to our offer menu.-4 personalized live classes with specialized teachers, in the hours that you propose*.
-Support and accompaniment permanent.
Basic English course - Level (x2 months)
If you are new to the world of English or your knowledge is basic and you want to improve your language skills, this is the course you need. Learn from the most basic vocabulary and expressions, short conversations and monologues that will allow you to introduce yourself, describe your environment and the people in it, as well as talk about your likes and preferences in a simple way.
You will learn the language in a practical and functional way thanks to live classes where we will focus on the conversational aspect of the language. Interact with the teacher and your classmates in real, everyday situations to improve your fluency, vocabulary and confidence in speaking.